Wireless Des...

Wireless Desktop 3000 Microsoft Windowsの解決方法

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"Microsoft Windows"440 - 450 件目を表示
Rev. 1001 A Microsoft(R) Wireless Keyboard 3000 Page 1 of 2 Version Information Product Name Microsoft(R) Wireless Keyboard 3000 Product Version Microsoft Wireless Keyboard 3000 Keyboard Version Microsoft Wireless Keyboard 3000 v2.0 Transceiver Version Microsoft(R) 2.4 GHz Transceiver v6.0 Product Dimensions Keyboard Length 18.4 inches (467 millimeters) Keyboard Width 7.83 inches (199 millimeters) Keyboard Depth/Height 1.75 inches (44.3 millimeters) with feet extended ...
1EnglishLimited WarrantyIMPORTANT-PLEASE READ THIS LIMITED WARRANTY CAREFULLY TO UNDERSTAND YOUR RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS! "Hardware Device" means the Microsoft(R) hardware product. "You" or "Your" means either an individual or a single legal entity. "Software" means the software supplied by Microsoft for use with the applicable Hardware Device and includes any associated media (including copies), printed materials and any "online" or electronic documentation or authorized upgrades or supplements from Micros...
Results stated herein are based on internal Microsoft testing. Individual results and performance may vary. Any device images shown are not actual size. This document is provided for informational purposes only and is subject to change without notice. Microsoft makes no warranty, express or implied, with this document or the information contained herein. Revi ew any public use or publications of any data herein with your local legal counsel. (C)2010 Microsoft Corporation. The names of actual companies ...
3For 802.11a devices onlyThis product is restricted to indoor use only to reduce any potential for harmful interference with licensed operation in the 5 .15 to 5.25 GHz frequency range.Microsoft Corporation; One Microsoft Way; Redmond, WA 98052-6399; U.S.A. United States: (800) 426-9400 Canada: (800) 933-4750Statement of Compliance with EU DirectivesHereby, Microsoft Corporation declares that this product is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant pr ovisions of Directives, 2006/95/...
3Portugues (Brasil)Garantia LimitadaIMPORTANTE - LEIA ESTA GARANTIA LIMITADA COM ATENCAO PARA ESTAR CIENTE DE SEUS DIREITOS E OBRIGACOES! "Dispositivo de Hardware" signi fi ca o produto de hardware Microsoft(R). "Voce" signi fi ca um individuo ou uma pessoa juridica. "Software" signi fi ca o software fornecido pela Microsoft para uso com o Dispositivo de Hardware aplicavel e inclui qualquer midia associada (incluindo copias), materiais impressos e qualquer documentacao "online" ou eletronica ou atualiza...
5FrancaisGarantie LimiteeIMPORTANT - VEUILLEZ LIRE ATTENTIVEMENT LA PRESENTE GARANTIE LIMITEE AFIN DE COMPRENDRE VOS DROITS ET OBLIGATIONS ! << Peripherique Materiel >> designe le produit materiel de Microsoft(R). << Vous >>, << Votre >> ou << Vos >> designe une personne physique ou une personne morale unique. Le << Logiciel >> inclut le logiciel fourni par Microsoft en vue d'une utilisation avec le Peripherique M ateriel concerne, ainsi que des supports associes (notamment des copies), des documents imprim...
6Para garantir a conformidade com os requisitos de exposicao a radiofrequencia, as seguintes confi guracoes de operacao devem ser atendidas: a antena foi instalada pelo fabricante e nao deve sofrer alteracoes. Os dispositivos sem fi o nao devem ser colocados proximos de nenhuma outra antena ou de um transmissor, nem operados em conjunto com esses aparelhos. Exceto para headsets e dispositivos portateis, deve ser mantida uma distancia minima de 20 cm entre a antena de dispositivos sem fi o e as pessoas...
7ItalianoGaranzia LimitataIMPORTANTE - L'UTENTE E PREGATO DI LEGGERE ATTENTAMENTE QUESTA GARANZIA LIMITATA PER COMPRENDERE CHIARAMENTE I DIRITTI E GLI OBBLIGHI CHE GLI SPETTANO. "Dispositivo Hardware" indica il prodotto hardware Microsoft(R). "Utente" indica la persona giuridica o fi sica. "Software" indica il software fornito da Microsoft per essere utilizzato con il Dispositivo Hardware applicabile e include eventuali supporti di memorizzazione (incluse copie), materiale stampato e documentazione "onlin...
9Pour les peripheriques 802.11 uniquementCe produit est limite a une utilisation interieure pour reduire toute interference avec un fonctionnement sous licence de la fr equence 5,15 a 5,25 GHz.Microsoft Corporation, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052-6399, Etats-Unis. Etats-Unis : (800) 426-9400 Canada : (800) 933-47 50Declaration de conformite aux directives de l'UEPar la presente, Microsoft Corporation declare que ce produit est conforme aux exigences essentielles et aux autres disposition s pertinentes...
9EspanolGarantia LimitadaIMPORTANTE - LEA ESTA GARANTIA LIMITADA CUIDADOSAMENTE PARA COMPRENDER SUS DERECHOS Y OBLIGACIONES. "Dispositivo de Hardware" es el producto de hardware de Microsoft(R). "Usted" o "Su" es un individuo o una persona juridica unica. "Software" es el software suministrado por Microsoft para uso con el Dispositivo de Hardware aplicable e incluye cualquier soporte fisico asociado (inclu idas las copias), materiales impresos y cualquier documentacion "online" o electronica o actualizacion...
