おはみめ読じくにださいBack viewThe illustrations below are those of LC-52Z5.LC-60Z5/LC-46Z5/LC-40Z5 has the same layout of jacks and terminals as LC-52Z5.便テなビ利レ使をい見かるたHeadphones jack/Connect a Blu-rayDisc player,AV amplifier, etc.ファミAV in 1·2·3 and 4 (HDMI)118 259 260・・・262 263 264・・・266リンク3D映USB terminal147 184 237 322・・・像を見るB-CAS card slot252パビコオソデ• IC chip side of B-CAS card is turned toa front side of this product, and B-CAScard is inserted.ン・をオつーなデぐィオ・をUなBつSいハでー録ドるデ・ィAV in 5 (D5) /Audio out259 261 264 265・・・見スるクホ...