MD-DS77の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全64ページ 2.09MB]
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60ENGLISH OPERATION MANUALMD-DS77 (J)TINSJA033AWZZMD-DS77CHECKING DISPLAYS (pages 32 - 33)To check the elapsed playing time and re-maining playing time:Press the DISPLAY button on the remote control re-peatedly during playback.Track name(katakana)* Elapsedplaying timeTrack name(kanji) Remainingplaying time Recordingmode Disc name(katakana)* Disc name(kanji) * Appear when the auto character function is canceled.● Elapsed time and remaining time on the unit dis-play may be different from the actual time.●If the track or disc name is not recorded,"NoNAME"is displayed, then an animation appears.To check the total playing time: While in the stop mode, press the DISPLAY button on theremote control repeatedly to select the total playing time.Total playing timeDisc name (katakana)*Disc name (kanji)* Appear when the auto character function is canceled.● When kanji and katakana are included in a Disc/Group/Track name, only kanji appears (auto char-acter: see pages 36, 37). Cancel it to see both.● "" appears when the inserted MiniDisc containsgrouped tracks (see page 30).● The group name appears as "Gr※※" if not named(※※: group number).To specify the group: 1. During playback or while in the stop mode, pressthe GROUP button on the remote control."" will flash.2. Within 5 seconds, select a group by sliding thebutton to or on the remote control.To cancel the group mode: While in the stop mode, hold down the GROUPbutton on the remote control for 2 seconds or more.Press the GROUP button again for 2 seconds ormore to enable the group mode.Note: When in the favorite track playback or favorite track re-peat playback mode, you cannot play in group mode.Various playback modes: The following describes random playback and re-peat playback in the group mode.Random play of tracks in every group.When all groups have ended, playback stops automatically.Repeat play of all groups. Tracks are played at random within a group.Repeat play of all tracks in the order theywere recorded.Repeat play of the selected group.