VGP-WKB1の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全132ページ 1.18MB]
gizport - 2013-09-14 - 1.18MB
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132page / 1.18MB
26 GBTroubleshootingIf you experience any of the following difficulties while using the keyboardand mouse, use this troubleshooting guide to solve the problem. If aproblem persists, consult your nearest Sony dealer.Symptom Cause/RemedyNothing happenswhen I press a mousebutton.*The receiver is not connected properly to the USB port.cClose all programs, reconnect the receiver to yourcomputer and re-enable communication between thekeyboard and mouse and the receiver.*The operating system is not compatible.cUse a supported operating system.*The USB port is not available.cCheck the "System Properties" of your computer.*The mouse batteries are exhausted.cIf the power does not come on even when the ON/OFF(power) switch is set to ON, replace the batteries.For details, see "Setting Up" (page 10).*The mouse and receiver are not communicating.cProceed as described in "Enabling communicationbetween the keyboard and mouse and the receiver" toensure that proper communication is possible (page 13).cIn some usage environments, the usable distance may benotably shorter, preventing normal operation. Ensurethat the receiver is not closer than 8 in.(20 cm) to thecomputer, display, and other electronic devices.cIf the mouse is too far from the receiver, communicationis not possible. Move the mouse and receiver closertogether.*The mouse is being used on an unsuitable surface.cWhen used on a mirror, glass, or other shiny surface oron a transparent or strongly patterned surface, the sensorat the bottom of the mouse may not be able to correctlydetect the mouse movements. In such cases, use amouse pad.