VGP-WKB1の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全132ページ 1.18MB]
gizport - 2013-09-14 - 1.18MB
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132page / 1.18MB
30 GBSymptom Cause/RemedyThe pointing devicedoes not work.cPOINTING DEVICE switch is set to OFF. Set the switchto ON.*Make sure that batteries are inserted in the keyboard.cInsert new batteries into the keyboard properly, andpress the CONNECT button on the receiver. Then,within 10 seconds, press the CONNECT button on thekeyboard. Make sure that the keyboard is close to thereceiver (within 11.8 in or 30 cm) when you press thebutton.*Check to see if the batteries are low.cTo see if the batteries are low, check the batteryindicator on the upper-right corner of the keyboard.When the batteries are low, replace the batteries asdescribed in "Inserting batteries into the keyboard"(page 10).*Check if the keyboard POWER switch is set to ON.*When multiple VGP-WKB1 keyboards are in use,keyboards may not function properly due to radiointerference.cIn this case, perform the following steps.1Remove the batteries from the keyboard for at least oneminute.2Reinsert the batteries into the keyboard and press theCONNECT button on the receiver.3Then, within 10 seconds, press the CONNECT buttonon the keyboard. Make sure that the keyboard is close tothe receiver (within 11.8 in or 30 cm) when you pressthe button.When using multiple VGP-WKB1 keyboards, set upeach keyboard one at a time. If multiple VGP-WKB1keyboards are being set up, there may be radiointerference.cThe pointing device senses the pressure of your finger andmoves accordingly. If pointer response seems sluggish,press the pointing device more firmly.