SC-01Bの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全244ページ 11.68MB]
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231付録/困ったときにはWe,Samsung Electronicsdeclare under our sole responsibility that the productGSM Mobile Phone:SC-01Bto which this declaration relates, is in conformity with the following standards and/or o ther normative documents.We hereby declare that [all esse ntial radio test suites have been carried out and that] the above na med product is in conformity to all the essentia l requirements of Directive 1999/5/EC.The conformity assessment procedure referred to in Article 10 and detailed in Annex[Ⅳ] of Directive 1999/5/EC has been followed with the involvem ent of the following Notified Body(ies):BABT, Forsyth House - Churchfield Road - Walton-on-Thames Surrey - KT12 2TD _ UK※Identification mark: 0168The technical documentation kept at :Samsung Electronics QA Lab.which will be made available upon request.(Representative in the EU)Samsung Electronics Euro QA Lab.Blackbushe Business Park, Saxony Way,Yateley, Hampshi re, GU46 6GG, UK※2009/12/02(place and date of issue)Yong-Sang Park / S.Manager(name and signature of authorised person)※ It is not the address of Sam sung Service Centre. For the address or the phone number of Samsung Service Centre, see the warranty card or contact the retailer where you purchased your product.Declaration of ConformitySAFETY EN 60950-1 : 2001 +A11:2004SAREN 50360 : 2001EN 62209-1 : 2006EMCEN 301 489-01 V1.6.1 (09-2005)EN 301 489-01 V1.8.1 (04-2008)EN 301 489-07 V1.3.1 (11-2005)EN 301 489-17 V1.3.2 (04-2008)EN 301 489-24 V1.4.1 (09-2007)RADIOEN 301 511 V9.0.2 (03-2003)EN 300 328 V1.7.1 (10-2006)EN 301 908-1 V3.2.1 (05-2007)EN 301 908-2 V3.2.1 (05-2007)
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