iPod (dock connector)の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全88ページ 4.18MB]
gizport - 2013-10-05
http://manuals.info.apple.com/.../Apple_Universal_Dock.pdf - 4.18MB
- キャッシュ
88page / 4.18MB
Battery Disposal InformationDispose of batteries according to your local environmental lawsand guidelines.California: The coin cell battery in your remote containsperchlorates. Special handling and disposal may apply. Refer towww.dts.ca.gov/hazardouswaste/perchlorate.Deutschland: Das Gerät enthält Batterien. Diese gehören nichtin den Hausmüll. Sie können verbrauchte Batterien beim Handeloder bei den Kommunen unentgeltlich abgeben. Um Kurzschlüssezu vermeiden, kleben Sie die Pole der Batterien vorsorglich miteinem Klebestreifen ab.Nederlands: Gebruikte batterijen kunnen worden ingeleverd bijde chemokar of in een speciale batterijcontainer voor kleinchemisch afval (kca) worden gedeponeerd.Taiwan:www.apple.comwww.apple.com/supportZM034-5590-APrinted in XXXX© 2010 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod nano, iPod touch, and iTunesare trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and othercountries.Portions of the Apple Software in this product may utilize thefollowing copyrighted material, the use of which is herebyacknowledged.Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA-1)License terms available at http://freebsd.active-venture.com/FreeBSD-srctree/newsrc/crypto/sha1.c.html or by contacting WIDEProject at http://www.wide.ad.jp/index.html