VGP-WKB1の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全132ページ 1.18MB]
gizport - 2013-09-14 - 1.18MB
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132page / 1.18MB
29 GBContinued on next pageSymptom Cause/RemedyThe computer does notreturn from Standbymode.The mouse pointerdoes not movesmoothly across thescreen.The keyboard andmouse do not causerecovery from energy-saving mode, orrecovery takes a longtime.When I start thecomputer an errormessage appears,saying that the mouseis not connected.The mouse does notmove smoothly afterreturning from energy-saving mode.After the receiver wasconnected, it takessome time until thekeyboard and mousecan be used.The keyboard does notwork.cTouch the pointing device or press any key on thekeyboard to exit this mode.cThe optical mouse may not operate correctly on thefollowing surfaces:*Transparent surfaces (such as glass)*Surfaces that reflect light (such as highly polishedveneers or mirrors)*Surfaces with a repetitive pattern, such as screening(like that used for printing photos in magazines andnewspapers)*Surfaces that are striped or have another distinct, high-contrast patternIf the mouse pointer does not move smoothly across thescreen, make sure you are not using the mouse on one ofthe above mentioned surfaces.cPress any key or the POWER button.cSelect the option that states this message will not bedisplayed again, and click "OK".cDisconnect the receiver cable from the USB port, wait afew seconds, and then connect the receiver again.cIf Windows, a software program, or another USB deviceis currently busy, it may take a while for the receiver to berecognized.cCheck the distance between the keyboard and the receiver.Place the keyboard and receiver within the communicationrange given in the specifications. If used on a metal tableor if there are metal objects near the keyboard, the usabledistance may be less.cMake sure that there are batteries in the keyboard.Insert the batteries into the keyboard properly, and pressthe CONNECT button on the receiver. Then, within 10seconds, press the CONNECT button on the keyboard.Make sure that the keyboard is close to the receiver(within 11.8 in. or 30 cm) when you press the button.