ルンバ577の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全36ページ 4.66MB]
http://www.irobot.com/.../00152.0210.v1.ALLRoomba.Manual.EN.pdf - 4.66MB
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For more detailed information, visit: www.irobot.com 27 TIP: To reset Roomba’s software, simultaneously hold down the two buttons above and below CLEAN for 10 seconds. This will clear all scheduled cleaning times, reset the clock and may resolve some software issues.Roomba blinks...Roomba displays... (models 550+)Roomba says….Likely cause What to do1 blink-Charging Error 1.Roomba’s battery is not connected. Conirm that Roomba’s battery pull-tab is removed. Remove the bottom cover of Roomba to remove and re-install Roomba’s battery. 2 blinks Err2Charging Error 2.Roomba has a charging error.Let Roomba cool down for at least one hour and try charging again.3 blinksErr3Charging Error 3.Roomba has a charging error. Reset Roomba’s software (refer to tip below) and try charging again.5 blinksErr5Charging Error 5.Roomba has a charging error.Reset Roomba’s software (refer to tip below) and try charging again.6 blinks Err6Charging Error 6.Roomba’s battery is too warm.Let Roomba cool down for at least one hour and try charging again.7 blinks Err7Charging Error 7.Roomba’s battery is not cooling.Let Roomba cool down for at least one hour and try charging again.Charging Errors (while charging) Runtime Errors (continued)Roomba beeps...Roomba says…. Likely cause What to do11 beepsRoomba’s bumper is not registering obstacles. Roomba may be stuck in one place. Tap Roomba’s bumper to conirm it is working properly. If this error occurs when Roomba is circling, clean wheels of hair and debris. If Roomba is in an extremely large room, use a Virtual Wall to create a smaller cleaning area.12 beepsA cliff sensor is dirty or broken. Inspect and clean Roomba’s cliff sensors.Please charge Roomba.Roomba’s battery is discharged.Plug Roomba into the power supply or place on the Home base to charge.Please inspect and clean Roomba’s cliff sensors.Roomba’s cliff sensors are dirty. Wipe cliff sensors with a dry cloth. Ensure Roomba is starting with all wheels irmly on the loor.Please inspect and clean Roomba’s wheels.Roomba’s side wheel is stuck.Clean wheels of hair and debris. Push them in and out and conirm that they turn freely. Ensure Roomba is starting with all wheels irmly on the loor.Please remove and clean Roomba’s brushes.Roomba’s main brushes cannot turn. Remove and clean Roomba’s brushes.