CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全35ページ 0.53MB]
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6796-1. Specifications6Vehicle specificationsCT200h_OM_OM76066U_(U)■Engine oil selection"Toyota Genuine Motor Oil" is used in your Lexus vehicle. Use Lexusapproved "Toyota Genuine Motor Oil" or equivalent to satisfy thefollowing grade and viscosity.Oil grade: ILSAC multigrade engine oilRecommended viscosity: SAE 0W-20SAE 0W-20 is the best choice forgood fuel economy and goodstarting in cold weather.If SAE 0W-20 is not available,SAE 5W-20 oil may be used.However, it must be replaced withSAE 0W-20 at the next oilchange.Oil viscosity (0W-20 is explained here as an example):* The 0W in 0W-20 indicates the characteristic of the oil which allows coldstartability. Oils with a lower value before the W allow for easier starting ofthe engine in cold weather.* The 20 in 0W-20 indicates the viscos ity characteristic of the oil when theoil is at high temperature. An oil with a higher viscosity (one with a highervalue) may be better suited if the vehicle is operated at high speeds, orunder extreme load conditions.Outside temperature
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