CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全9ページ 0.37MB]
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6065-1. Essential informationCT200h_OM_OM76066U_(U)If you think something is wrongIf you notice any of the following sy mptoms, your vehicle probably needsadjustment or repair. Contact your Lexus dealer as soon as possible.■Visible symptoms●Fluid leaks under the vehicle.(Water dripping from the air conditioning after use is normal.)●Flat-looking tires or uneven tire wear●High coolant temperature warning light flashes or comes on.■Audible symptoms●Changes in exhaust sound●Excessive tire squeal when cornering●Strange noises related to the suspension system●Pinging or other noises related to the hybrid system■Operational symptoms●Engine missing, stumbling or running roughly●Appreciable loss of power●Vehicle pulls heavily to one side when braking●Vehicle pulls heavily to one side when driving on a level road●Loss of brake effectiveness, spongy feeling, pedal almost touchesthe floor
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