CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全8ページ 0.11MB]
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5154-2. Maintenance4Maintenance and careCT200h_OM_OM76066U_(U)Emission inspection and maintenance (I/M) programsSome states have vehicle emission inspection programs which includeOBD (On Board Diagnostics) checks. The OBD system monitors the oper-ation of the emission control system.■If the malfunction indicator lamp comes onThe OBD system determines that a problem exists somewhere inthe emission control system. Your vehicle may not pass the I/M testand may need to be repaired. Cont act your Lexus dealer to servicethe vehicle.■Your vehicle may not pass the I/M test in the following situations:●When the 12-volt battery is disconnected or dischargedReadiness codes that are set during ordinary driving are erased.Also, depending on your driving habits, the readiness codes maynot be completely set.●When the fuel tank cap is looseThe malfunction indicator lamp comes on indicating a temporarymalfunction and your vehicle may not pass the I/M test.■When the malfunction indicator la mp still remains on after severaldriving tripsThe error code in the OBD system will not be cleared unless thevehicle is driven 40 or more times.■If your vehicle does not pass the I/M testContact your Lexus dealer to prep are the vehicle for re-testing.
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