CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全6ページ 0.16MB]
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501-2. Key informationCT200h_OM_OM76066U_(U)Using the mechanical keyTo take out the mechanical key: Electronic keys: Slide the releaselever and take the key out.Card key: Press the lock releasebutton and take the key out.The mechanical key can only beinserted in one direction, as the keyonly has grooves on one side. If thekey cannot be inserted in a lockcylinder, turn it over and re-attemptto insert it.After using the mechanical key,store it in the electronic key. Carrythe mechanical key together withthe electronic key. If the electronickey battery is depleted or the entryfunction does not operate properly,you will need the mechanical key. (→P. 655)
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