
CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全8ページ 0.14MB]

Swan2911 - 2013-08-20
http://drivers.lexus.com/.../Forward.pdf - 0.14MB - キャッシュ
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27CT200h_OM_OM76066U_(U)Symbols used throughout this manualCautions & Notices Symbols used in illustrationsCAUTIONThis is a warning against something which, if ignored, may cause death or seriousinjury to people. You are informed about what you must or must not do in order toreduce the risk of death or seriou s injury to yourself and others.NOTICEThis is a warning against something which, if ignored, may cause damage to the vehi-cle or its equipment. You are informed about what you must or must not do in order toavoid or reduce the risk of damage to your Lexus and its equipment.Safety symbolThe symbol of a circle with a slash through it means "Do not","Do not do this", or "Do not let this happen".Arrows indicating operationsIndicates the action (pushing, turning,etc.) used to operate switches and otherdevices.Indicates the outcome of an operation(e.g. a lid opens).


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  • 1 .
    20CT200h_OM_OM76066U_(U)For your informationMain Owner's ManualPlease note that this manual applies to all models and explains all equipment, includ-ing options. Therefore, you may find some explanations for equipment not installedon your vehicle. All spec...
  • 2 .
    21CT200h_OM_OM76066U_(U)Installation of a mobile two-way radio systemThe installation of a mobile two-way radio system in your vehicle could affect elec-tronic systems such as:●Multiport fuel injection system/seque ntial multiport fuel injection system●Cru...
  • 3 .
    22CT200h_OM_OM76066U_(U)Vehicle data recordingsYour Lexus is equipped with several soph isticated computers that will record cer-tain data, such as:*Engine speed* Electric motor speed (traction motor speed)* Accelerator status*Brake status* Vehicle speed*S...
  • 4 .
    23CT200h_OM_OM76066U_(U)Event data recorderThis vehicle is equipped with an event data recorder (EDR). The main purpose of anEDR is to record, in certain crash or near crash-like situations, such as an air bagdeployment or hitting a road obstacle, data tha...
  • 5 .
    24CT200h_OM_OM76066U_(U)●Disclosure of the EDR dataLexus will not disclose the data recorded in an EDR to a third party except when:* An agreement from the vehicle's owner (or the lessee for a leased vehicle) isobtained* In response to an official request ...
  • 6 .
    25CT200h_OM_OM76066U_(U)CAUTION■General precautions while drivingDriving under the influence: Never drive your vehicle when under the influence ofalcohol or drugs that have impaired your ability to operate your vehicle. Alcoholand certain drugs delay reac...
  • 7 .
    26CT200h_OM_OM76066U_(U)CAUTION■Hybrid battery (traction battery)Never resell, hand over or modify the hybrid battery. To prevent accidents, hybridbatteries that have been removed from a disposed vehicle are collected throughyour Lexus dealer. Do not dispo...
  • 8 .
    27CT200h_OM_OM76066U_(U)Symbols used throughout this manualCautions & Notices Symbols used in illustrationsCAUTIONThis is a warning against something which, if ignored, may cause death or seriousinjury to people. You are informed about what you must or mus...