
CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全2ページ 0.05MB]

Swan2911 - 2013-08-20
http://drivers.lexus.com/.../impman.pdf - 0.05MB - キャッシュ
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4CAUTION For safety, the driver should notoperate the navigation systemwhile he/she is driving. Insufficientattention to the road and trafficmay cause an accident. While driving, be sure to obey thetraffic regulations and maintainawareness of the road conditions.If a traffic sign on the road has beenchanged, route guidance may nothave the updated information suchas the direction of a one way street.While driving, listen to the voice instruc-tions as much as possible and glance atthe screen briefly and only when it is safe.However, do not totally rely on voice guid-ance. Use it just for reference. If the sys-tem cannot determine the current vehicleposition correctly, there is a possibility ofincorrect, late, or non −voice guidance.The data in the system may occasionallybe incomplete. Road conditions, includingdriving restrictions (no left turns, street clo-sures, etc.) frequently change. Therefore,before following any instruction from thesystem, look to see whether the instructioncan be done safely and legally.This system cannot warn about suchthings as the safety of an area, condition ofstreets, and availability of emergency ser-vices. If unsure about the safety of anarea, do not drive into it. Under no cir-cumstances is this system a substitutefor the driver's personal judgement.Use this system only in locations where itis legal to do so. Some states/provincesmay have laws prohibiting the use of videoand navigation screens next to the driver.


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  • 1 .
    3For safety reasons, this...
    3For safety reasons, this manual indicatesitems requiring particular attention with thefollowing marks.CAUTIONThis is a warning against anythingwhich may cause injury to people ifthe warning is ignored. You are in-formed about what you must or mustnot do ...
  • 2 .
    4CAUTION For safety, the ...
    4CAUTION For safety, the driver should notoperate the navigation systemwhile he/she is driving. Insufficientattention to the road and trafficmay cause an accident. While driving, be sure to obey thetraffic regulations and maintainawareness of the road con...