CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全8ページ 0.37MB]
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5When trouble arises5895-1. Essential informationCT200h_U (OM76040U)If your vehicle needs to be towedBefore towingThe following may indicate a probl em with your hybrid transmission.Contact your Lexus dealer before towing.●The hybrid system is operating but the vehicle will not move.●The vehicle makes an abnormal sound.If there is a malfunction in the P posit ion control system, the smart accesssystem with push-button start or the immobilizer system, or if the 12-voltbattery is discharged, the vehicle canno t be towed with the front wheelson the ground, as the front wheels may be locked. In this case, transportthe vehicle with both front wheels or all four wheels lifted.If towing is necessary, we recommend having your vehicle towed by yourLexus dealer or a commercial towing service, using a lift-type truck or flatbed truck.Use a safety chain system for all towi ng, and abide by all state/provincialand local laws.
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