CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全81ページ 3.23MB]
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5194-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance4Maintenance and careCT200h_U (OM76040U)■Engine oil consumption●The amount of engine oil consumed depe nds on the oil viscosity, the quality ofthe oil and the way the vehicle is driven.●More oil is consumed under driving conditions such as high speeds and fre-quent acceleration and deceleration.●A new engine consumes more oil.●When judging the amount of oil consumpt ion, keep in mind that the oil mayhave become diluted, making it difficult to judge the true level accurately.●Oil consumption: Max. 1.1 qt./600 miles (1.0 L/1000 km, 0.9 lmp.qt./600miles)●If your vehicle consumes more than 1.1 qt. (1.0 L, 0.9 lmp.qt.) every 600 miles(1000 km), contact your Lexus dealer.CAUTION■Used engine oil●Used engine oil contains potentially harmful contaminants which may cause skindisorders such as inflammation and skin ca ncer, so care should be taken to avoidprolonged and repeated contact. To remove used engine oil from your skin, washthoroughly with soap and water.●Dispose of used oil and filters only in a safe and acceptable manner. Do not dis-pose of used oil and filters in household trash, in sewers or onto the ground. Callyour Lexus dealer, service station or auto parts store for information concerningrecycling or disposal.●Do not leave used engine oil within the reach of children.
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