CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全81ページ 3.23MB]
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5094-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance4Maintenance and careCT200h_U (OM76040U)CAUTIONThe engine compartment contains many mechanisms and fluids that may move sud-denly, become hot, or become electrically energized. To avoid death or serious injury,observe the following precautions.■When working on the engine compartment●Make sure that the indicator on the "POWER" switch and the "READY" indicatorare both off.●Keep hands, clothing and tools away from the moving fan and engine drive belt.●Be careful not to touch the engine, power control unit, radiator, exhaust manifold,etc. right after driving as they may be hot. Oil and other fluids may also be hot.●Do not leave anything that may burn easily, such as paper and rags, in the enginecompartment.●Do not smoke, cause sparks or expose an open flame to fuel. Fuel fumes are flam-mable.■When working near the electric cooling fans or radiator grilleBe sure the "POWER" switch is off.With the "POWER" switch in ON mode, the electric cooling fans may automati-cally start to run if the air conditioning is on and/or the coolant temperature is high.(→P. 524)■Safety glassesWear safety glasses to prevent flying or falling material, fluid spray, etc. from gettingin your eyes.
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