CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全81ページ 3.23MB]
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5414-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance4Maintenance and careCT200h_U (OM76040U)■Tire types●Summer tiresSummer tires are high-speed performance tires best suited to highway drivingunder dry conditions. Since summer tires do not have the same traction perfor-mance as snow tires, summer tires are inadequate for driving on snow-coveredor icy roads. For driving on snow-covered roads or icy roads, the use of snow tiresis recommended. When installing snow tires, be sure to replace all four tires.●All season tiresAll season tires are designed to provide better traction in snow and to be ade-quate for driving in most winter conditions as well as for use year-round. All sea-son tires, however, do not have adequate traction performance compared withsnow tires in heavy or loose snow. Also, al l season tires fall short in accelerationand handling performance compared with summer tires in highway driving.●Snow tiresFor driving on snow-covered roads or ic y roads, we recommend using snow tires.If you need snow tires, select tires of the same size, construction and load capac-ity as the originally installed tires. Since your vehicle has radial tires as originalequipment, make sure your snow tires also have radial construction. Do not installstudded tires without first checking local regulations for possible restrictions.Snow tires should be installed on all wheels. ( →P. 281)
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