CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全26ページ 0.76MB]
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641-3. Opening, closing and locking the doorsCT200h_U (OM76040U)CAUTION■Caution regarding interference with electronic devices●People with implanted pacemakers or cardiac defibrillators should keep awayfrom the smart access system antennas. ( →P. 56) The radio waves may affect the operation of such devices. If necessary, the entryfunction can be disabled. Ask your Lexus dealer for details, such as the frequencyof radio waves and timing of emitting the radio waves. Then, consult your doctorto see if you should disable the entry function.●Users of any electrical medical device other than implanted pacemakers andimplanted cardiac defibrillators should consult the manufacturer of the device forinformation about its operation under the influence of radio waves.Radio waves could have unexpected effe cts on the operation of such medicaldevices.Ask your Lexus dealer for details on disabling the entry function.
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