
CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全12ページ 0.16MB]

Swan2911 - 2013-08-20
http://drivers.lexus.com/.../qkgde.pdf - 0.16MB - キャッシュ
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10U0005LCU0006LC5 There are 4 different methods tosearch your home.See Destination search on page 68.6 Select Enter and push the EN-TER button on the RemoteTouch.The Edit Home screen is displayed.7 Select OK and push the EN-TER button on the RemoteTouch.Registration of home is complete.You can also register home by selectingSetup. (See (a) Registering home onpage 118.)You can change the name, location, phonenumber and icon. (See (b) Editing homeon page 119.)


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  • 1 .
    5Quick guide Remote Touc...
    5Quick guide Remote Touch
  • 2 .
    6No. Name Function Page1M...
    6No. Name Function Page1MENU buttonPush this button to display the Start(menu) screen.172 * buttonPush this button to change the scale ofthe map and to scroll the list screen.31, 35, 483MAP/VOICEbuttonPush this button to repeat a guidancevoice, canc...
  • 3 .
    7No. Name Function Page1N...
    7No. Name Function Page1North−up orheading−upsymbolThis symbol indicates a map view withnorth−up or heading−up. Selecting thissymbol changes the map orientation.502Scale indicator This figure indicates the map scale. 483Zoom out buttonSelect this button t...
  • 4 .
    8No. Name Function Page7S...
    8No. Name Function Page7Show on MapSelect this button to browse informationabout guidance route, to set the Pointsof Interest to be displayed on thescreen, or to record the route.108, 1788Zoom in buttonSelect this button to magnify the mapscale.489Foot pri...
  • 5 .
    9U0001LSU0002LSU0043LC1 P...
    9U0001LSU0002LSU0043LC1 Push the MENU button on theRemote Touch.2 Select Destination and pushthe ENTER button on the Re-mote Touch.3Select Go Home and push theENTER button on the RemoteTouch.If home has not been registered, you canregister it by selecting ...
  • 6 .
    10U0005LCU0006LC5 There a...
    10U0005LCU0006LC5 There are 4 different methods tosearch your home.See Destination search on page 68.6 Select Enter and push the EN-TER button on the RemoteTouch.The Edit Home screen is displayed.7 Select OK and push the EN-TER button on the RemoteTouch.R...
  • 7 .
    11U0001LSU0003LSU0045LC1 ...
    11U0001LSU0003LSU0045LC1 Push the MENU button on theRemote Touch.2 Select Destination and pushthe ENTER button on the Re-mote Touch.3 Select one of the preset destina-tion buttons and push the EN-TER button on the RemoteTouch.You can set a preset destinati...
  • 8 .
    12U0010LCU0011LC5 There a...
    12U0010LCU0011LC5 There are 4 different methods tosearch preset destinations.See Destination search on page 68.6 Select Enter and push the EN-TER button on the RemoteTouch.The Edit Preset Destination screen is dis-played.7 Select OK and push the EN-TER bu...
  • 9 .
    13U0001LSU0004LSU0013LC1 ...
    13U0001LSU0004LSU0013LC1 Push the MENU button on theRemote Touch.2 Select Destination and pushthe ENTER button on the Re-mote Touch.3 There are 11 different methods tosearch destinations.See Destination search on page 68.4Select Go to and push theENTER bu...
  • 10 .
    14U0014LC5 Select OK and ...
    14U0014LC5 Select OK and push the EN-TER button on the RemoteTouch, and start driving.Routes other than the one recommendedcan also be selected. (See Starting routeguidance on page 89.)6 Guidance to the destination isgiven via voice and on the guid-ance s...
  • 11 .
    15U0001LSU0002LSU0016LCa1 Push the MENU button on theRemote Touch.2 Select Destination and pushthe ENTER button on the Re-mote Touch.3Select Go Home and push theENTER button on the RemoteTouch.Go Home can be used if your home hasbeen registered. (To regis...
  • 12 .
    16U0017LCa5 Select OK and...
    16U0017LCa5 Select OK and push the EN-TER button on the RemoteTouch, and start driving.Routes other than the one recommendedcan also be selected. (See Starting routeguidance on page 89.)6 Guidance to the destination isgiven via voice and on the guid-ance ...