CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全48ページ 1.34MB]
http://drivers.lexus.com/.../sec_02-04.pdf - 1.34MB
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2602-4. Using other driving systemsCT200h_U (OM76004U)nSituations in which the pre-collision system does not function properlyThe system may not function effectively in situations such as the following:lOn roads with sharp bends or uneven surfaceslIf a vehicle suddenly moves in front of vehicle, such as at an intersectionlIf a vehicle suddenly cuts in front of vehicle, such as when overtakinglIn inclement weather such as heav y rein, fog, snow or sand stormslWhen your vehicle is skidding with the VSC system offlWhen an extreme change in vehicle height occurslWhen the axis of the radar is out of adjustmentnAutomatic cancelation of the pre-collision systemWhen a malfunction occurs due to sensor contamination, etc. that results in the sensors being unable to detect obstacles, the pre-collision system will be automati-cally disabled. In this case, the system will not activate even if there is a collision pos-sibility.
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