GSの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全6ページ 0.65MB]
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1433-4. Adjusting the steering wheel and mirrors3Operation of each componentGS350_U (OM30C34U)■Mirror angle can be adjusted whenThe engine switch is in ACCE SSORY or IGNITION ON mode.■Linked mirror function when reversing●When either "L" or "R" of the mirror select switch is selected, the outside rear viewmirrors will automatically angle downwards when the vehicle is reversing in orderto give a better view of the ground. To di sable this function, select neither "L" nor"R". ●If the mirror angle adjustment switch is operated while the linked mirror function isin operation, the angle and position of the mirrors can be remembered, and themirrors will operate at the angl e adjusted to the last time the linked mirror functionwas operated.However, because the mirrors move based on the angle they are in when the linkedmirror function is not operating, the mirror angle when the linked mirror function isoperating will also be changed if the mirrors are adjusted while the function is notoperating.■When the mirrors are fogged upThe outside rear view mirrors can be cleare d using the mirror defoggers. Turn on therear window defogger to turn on the outside rear view mirror defoggers. ( →P. 365)■Automatic adjustment of the mirror angle A desired mirror face angle can be entered to memory and recalled automaticallyby the driving position memory. ( →P. 130)■Auto anti-glare functionWhen the anti-glare inside rear view mirror is set to automatic mode, the outsiderear view mirrors will activate in conjunction with the anti-glare inside rear view mir-ror to reduce reflected light. ( →P. 140)
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