GSの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全14ページ 0.14MB]
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APPENDIX202Export Control. You agree not to ex-port from anywhere any part of theData provided to you or any directproduct thereof except in compliancewith, and with all licenses and approv-als required under, applicable exportlaws, rules and regulations.Entire Agreement. These terms andconditions constitute the entire agree-ment between DENSO (and its licen-sors, including their licensors and sup-pliers) and you pertaining to the sub-ject matter hereof, and supersedes intheir entirety any and all written or oralagreements previously existing be-tween us with respect to such subjectmatter.Governing Law. The above terms andconditions shall be governed by thelaws of the State of Illinois, withoutgiving effect to (i) its conflict of lawsprovisions, or (ii) the United NationsConvention for Contracts for theInternational Sale of Goods, which isexplicitly excluded. You agree tosubmit to the jurisdiction of the State ofIllinois for any and all disputes, claimsand actions arising from or inconnection with the Data provided toyou hereunder.Government End Users. If the Data isbeing acquired by or on behalf of theUnited States government or any otherentity seeking or applying rights similarto those customarily claimed by theUnited States government, this Data isa "commercial item" as that term is de-fined at 48 C.F.R. ("FAR") 2.101, is li-censed in accordance with these End −User Terms, and each copy of Data de-livered or otherwise furnished shall bemarked and embedded as appropriatewith the following "Notice of Use", andshall be treated in accordance withsuch Notice:NOTICE OF USECONTRACTOR (MANUFACTURER/SUPPLIER) NAME: NAVTEQCONTRACTOR (MANUFACTURER/SUPPLIER) ADDRESS: 425 West Randolph Street, Chicago, Illinois 60606This Data is a commercial item asdefined in FAR 2.101 and is subjectto these End−User Terms underwhich this Data was provided.©2007 NAVTEQ − All rights reserved.If the Contracting Officer, federal gov-ernment agency, or any federal officialrefuses to use the legend providedherein, the Contracting Officer, federalgovernment agency,or any federal offi-cial must notify NAVTEQ prior to seek-ing additional or alternative rights in theData.
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