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2012 Lexus HS250h WSG FINAL.pdf
http://drivers.lexus.com/.../2012 Lexus HS250h WSG FINAL.pdf - 1.21MB
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To ensure optimum performance and maintain the quality built into your vehicle's emission control sys-tems, Lexus recommends the use ofGenuine Lexus Parts when servicingor repairing the systems.Warranty coverage is not dependentupon the use of any particular brandof replacement parts and you mayelect to use non-Genuine LexusParts for maintenance and repairs.However, use of replacement partsthat are not equivalent in quality toGenuine Lexus Parts may impair theeffectiveness of the emission controlsystems.If you use replacement parts that havemaintenance or replacement sched-ules different from those of GenuineLexus Parts, you must follow the main-tenance and replacement schedulesfor the parts you are using. In addition,you should ensure that such parts arewarranted by their manufacturers tobe equivalent to Genuine Lexus Parts.If your vehicle fails a smog-check test,you may make a claim under theEmission Performance Warranty. Todo so, take your vehicle to an autho -rized Lexus dealership and present a copy of the smog-check test report.Also, take your maintenance recordsin case they are needed.If your claim qualifies for coverage,the dealership will repair your vehiclewithin 30 days (unless a shorter peri-od is required by law). If your claim isdenied, Lexus will notify you in writingof the reason within the same period.If we fail to do so, we will repair yourvehicle free of charge. The onlyexceptions allowed are when yourequest or agree to a delay, or when a delay is caused by factors beyondthe control of Lexus or the dealership.For information on how to obtainservice under the Emission DefectWarranty, see page 37, "ObtainingWarranty Service."REPLACEMENT PARTSIF YOUR VEHICLE FAILSA SMOG-CHECK TESTYour Warranties in Detail32CALIFORNIA EMISSION CONTROL WARRANTYWARRANTY2012 HS250h_9-38b:Layout 1 9/2/11 2:22 PM Page 32
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