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2012 Lexus HS250h WSG FINAL.pdf
http://drivers.lexus.com/.../2012 Lexus HS250h WSG FINAL.pdf - 1.21MB
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The California Air Resources Board(CARB) and Lexus are pleased toexplain the emission control systemwarranty for your 2012 vehicle. InCalifornia, new motor vehicles mustbe designed, built and equipped tomeet the state's stringent anti-smogstandards. CARB regulations requirethat Lexus must warrant the emissioncontrol system on your vehicle for thetime periods indicated on the nextpage, provided there has been noabuse, neglect or improper mainte-nance of your vehicle.Your emission control system mayinclude parts such as the fuel injectionsystem, ignition system, catalytic con-verter and engine computer. Alsoincluded may be hoses, belts, connec-tors and other emissions-relatedassemblies.Where a warrantable condition exists,Lexus will repair your vehicle at nocost to you, including diagnosis, partsand labor.YOUR WARRANTYRIGHTS ANDOBLIGATIONS Your Warranties in Detail28CALIFORNIA EMISSION CONTROL WARRANTYWARRANTYVehicles equipped with aCalifornia Certified EmissionControl System that are regis-tered and operated in Californiaor any state that adoptsCalifornia emission warrantyprovisions are covered by thiswarranty. Arizona, Connecticut,Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts,New Jersey, Oregon, Pennsyl -vania, Rhode Island, Vermontand Washington are the otherstates to which this warranty cur-rently applies. Vehicles coveredby this war ranty are also coveredby the Federal Emission ControlWarranty (see page 22).2012 HS250h_9-38b:Layout 1 9/2/11 2:22 PM Page 28
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