HSの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全59ページ 3.29MB]
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5When trouble arises5375-2. Steps to take in an emergencyFirmly tighten each wheel nut two or three times in the order shown in the illustration.Tightening torque: 76 ft*lbf (103 N*m, 10.5 kgf*m)Stow the flat tire, tire jack and all tools.■The compact spare tire●The compact spare tire is identified by the label "TEMPORARY USE ONLY" on the tire sidewall. Use the compact spare tire temporarily, and only in an emergency.●Make sure to check the tire inflatio n pressure of the compact spare tire. (→ P. 567 )■After completing the tire changeThe tire pressure warning system must be reset. ( →P. 453)■When using the compact spare tireAs the compact spare tire is not equipped with a tire pressure warning valve and transmitter, low inflation pressure of the spare tire will not be indicated by the tire pressure warning system. Also, if you repl ace the compact spare tire after the tire pressure warning light comes on, the light remains on.■If you have a flat front tire on a road covered with snow or iceInstall the compact spare tire on one of the rear wheels of the vehicle. Perform the following steps and fit tire chains to the front tires:Replace a rear tire with the compact spare tire.Replace the flat front tire with the tire removed from the rear of the vehi -cle.Fit tire chains to the front tires.
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