HSの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全6ページ 0.27MB]
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REAR VIEW MONITOR SYSTEM291NOTICE If the back of the vehicle is hit, theposition and mounting angle of thecamera may change. Be sure tohave the camera's position andmounting angle checked at yourLexus dealer. As the camera has a water proofconstruction, do not detach, disas-semble or modify it. This maycause incorrect operation. If the temperature changes rapidly,such as when hot water is pouredon the vehicle in cold weather, thesystem may not operate normally. Do not strongly rub the cameralens. If the camera lens isscratched, it can not transmit aclear image. Do not allow organic solvent, carwax, window cleaner or glass coatto adhere to the camera. If thishappens, wipe it off as soon aspossible. If the tire size is changed, the areadisplayed on the screen maychange. When washing the vehicle, do notapply intensive bursts of water tothe camera or camera area. Doingso may result in the camera mal-functioning.INFORMATIONIf the camera lens becomes dirty, itcannot transmit a clear image. If wa-ter droplets, snow, or mud adhere tothe lens, rinse with water and wipewith a soft cloth. If the lens is ex-tremely dirty, wash it with a mildcleanser and rinse. Area displayed on screenImage is displayed approximately levelon screen.U8004LSCorners of bumper
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