HSの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全57ページ 3.82MB]
http://drivers.lexus.com/.../sec_5-2.pdf - 3.82MB
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57page / 3.82MB
nStarting the hybrid system when the 12-volt battery is dischargedThe hybrid system cannot be started by push-starting.nTo prevent 12-volt battery dischargelTurn off the headlights and the audio sy stem while the hybrid system is off.lTurn off any unnecessary electrical compon ents when the vehicle is running at a low speed for an extended period, such as in heavy traffic.nWhen the 12-volt battery is dischargedlThe hybrid system may not start. ( → P. 440 )lIf the 12-volt battery is depleted with the shift position in P, it will not be possible to shift out of P. In this case, the vehi cle cannot be towed without lifting both front wheels because the front wheels are locked by the parking lock. (→ P. 489 )lWhen the 12-volt battery is reconnected, start the hybrid system, depress the brake pedal, and confirm that it is poss ible to shift into each shift position.5When trouble arises5455-2. Steps to take in an emergencyMake sure the "READY" indicator comes on. If the indicator does not come on, contact your Lexus dealer.Once the hybrid system has started, remove the jumper cables in the exact reverse order from which they were connected.Close the exclusive jump starting terminal cover and reinstall the fuse box cover.Once the hybrid system starts, have the vehicle inspected at your Lexus dealer as soon as possible.
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