HSの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全10ページ 0.40MB]
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5When trouble arises4975-1. Essential informationDisclosure of the dataLexus will not disclose the data recorded in an EDR to a third party except when:lAn agreement from the vehicle's ow ner (or the leasing company for a leased vehicle) is obtainedlOfficially requested to by the police or other authoritieslNecessary, for use as a defense for Lexus in a lawsuitlOrdered to by a court of lawHowever, if necessary Lexus will:lUse the data for research on Lexus vehicle safety performancelDisclose the data to a third party for research purposes without dis -closing details of the vehicle owner, and only when it is deemed neces -sarylDisclose summarized data cleared of vehicle identification information to a non-Lexus organization for research purposes
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