ISの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全40ページ 1.08MB]
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5When trouble arises3735-2. Steps to take in an emergencynAvoiding a discharged batterylTurn off the headlights and the audio sy stem while the engine is turned off.lTurn off any unnecessary electrical compon ents when the vehicle is running at alow speed for an extended period, such as in heavy traffic, etc.nWhen the battery is removed or dischargedThe power windows must be initialized. (→P. 45)CAUTIONnAvoiding battery fires or explosionsObserve the following precautions to prevent accidentally igniting the flammablegas that may be emitted from the battery.lMake sure the jumper cable is connected to the correct terminal and that it is notunintentionally in contact with any pa rt other than the intended terminal.lDo not allow the jumper cables to come into contact with the "+" and "-" termi-nals.lDo not allow open flame or use matches, cigarette lighters or smoke near thebattery.Maintain the engine speed on th e second vehicle and turn theignition switch to the IG-ON mo de, then start the vehicle'sengine.Once the vehicle's engine has started, remove the jumpercables in the exact reverse ord er in which they were con-nected.Once the engine starts, have the ve hicle checked at your Lexus dealeras soon as possible.STEP 5STEP 6
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