MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全160ページ 2.63MB]
gizport - 2013-09-04 - 2.63MB
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REFERENCE AT A GLANCE CONTROLS DRIVING TIPS MOBILITY 135Vehicles with Flat Tire Monitor *Light up in yellow and red:>Tire damageCarefully bring the car to a stop. Observe the information starting on page59.>Flat Tire Monitor not initializedInitialize Flat Tire Monitor, page 59.Light up in yellow:Flat Tire Monitor failed. Punctures are not indicatedHave the system checked.Vehicles with Tire Pressure Monitor*Light up in yellow and red:There is a flat tire or substantial loss in tire pressureCarefully bring the car to a stop. Observe the information starting on page61.Vehicles with Tire Pressure Monitor*Light up in yellow:Tire Pressure Monitor not initializedInitialize the Tire Pressure Monitor, page62.The small lamp flashes yellow and then stays on, the large lamp lights up in yellow:Tire Pressure Monitor failed. Punc-tures are not indicatedHave the system checked. Observe the information starting on page 62.1 2 Cause What to do
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