MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全172ページ 3.02MB]
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137AT A GLANCE REFERENCE MOBILITY CONTROLS DRIVING TIPS COMMUNICATIONSGiving and receiving assistanceRoadside AssistanceRoadside Assistance is available by phone 24 hours a day in many countries. You can receive assistance there in the event of an emergency.Phone numbers for Roadside Assistance are listed in the Contact brochure.First aid pouch*Some of the articles contained in the first aid pouch have a limited service life. Therefore, check the expiration dates of the contents regu-larly and replace any items in good time, if nec-essary.The first aid pouch is located on the rear cargo well by the left side trim panel or under the flat load floor.Warning triangle*In the cargo area under the loading sill.Open the center lock to take it out.Jump-startingIf the car's own battery is flat, your MINI's engine can be started by connecting two jumper cables to another vehicle's battery. You can also use the same method to help start another vehicle. Only use jumper cables with fully-insulated clamp handles.Do not touch any electrically live parts when the engine is running, or a fatal acci-dent may occur. Carefully adhere to the follow-ing sequence, both to prevent damage to one or both vehicles, and to guard against possible per-sonal injuries.<Preparation1.Check whether the battery of the other vehi-cle has a voltage of 12 volts and approxi-mately the same capacitance in Ah. This information can be found on the battery.2.Switch off the engine of the support vehicle.3.Switch off any consumers in both vehicles.There must not be any contact between the bodies of the two vehicles; otherwise, there is a danger of shorting. <Connecting jumper cablesConnect the jumper cables in the correct order, so that no sparks which could cause injury occur.<1.Open the battery cover in the engine com-partment to access the positive terminal of your MINI.
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