MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全172ページ 3.02MB]
gizport - 2013-09-05 - 3.02MB
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Indicator and warning lamps146Indication * in Canadian modelsVehicle electronics failed You cannot continue your journey. Contact your MINI dealer.Lights up in red: Have the system in question checked without delay.>Starter failed or The engine cannot be restarted.>ignition malfunctioning. Engine restart only possible when brake is depressed or>lighting system failed. Low beams/tail lamps and brake lamps still operational. All other lamps failedDepress the brake to start the engine again.Lights up in yellow:>Control of the brake lamps failed or>fuel supply malfunctioningYou can continue your journey, but moderate your speed and exercise due caution. Have the system in ques-tion checked without delay.>Drive malfunctioningYou can continue your journey, but moderate your speed and exercise due caution. Transmission limp-home program active with restricted range of gears. Have the system checked immediately.Flashing:Dynamic Stability Control DSC or Dynamic Traction Control DTC is con-trolling drive and braking forces, refer also to page56Dynamic Traction Control DTC is acti-vated, refer also to page 57The Dynamic Stability Control DSC and Dynamic Traction Control DTC are deactivated, refer also to page 56Driving stability limited during accel-eration and cornering. Driving style must be adjusted.1 2 Cause What to do
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