MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全269ページ 8.83MB]
gizport - 2013-09-05 - 8.83MB
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269page / 8.83MB
Destination entry NAVIGATION 121Entering a street or intersectionThe street or intersection is entered in the same way as the town/city.Entering house numberDepending on the data in the navigation system, house numbers up to the number 2,000 can be entered:Starting route guidanceRoute guidance starts immediately.Adding further intermediate destinationsFurther intermediate dest inations can be added.Saving destinationThe destination is automati cally added to the list of the last destinations.Planning a trip with intermediate destinationsNew tripVarious intermediate destinations can be entered for a trip. The tr ip destination must be entered first, refer to Destination input, page114.Entering intermediate destinationsA maximum of 30 intermed iate destinations can be entered for one trip.1."Navigation"2.Select the type of destination entry and enter the intermed iate destination.3."Add as another destination"4.Select the location where the intermediate destination is to be inserted.Starting the tripAfter entering all inte rmediate destinations:"Start guidance"Word-matching principleThe system's word-matching principle makes it easier to enter the names of towns or streets. The system runs ongo ing checks, comparing your destination entries with the data stored in the vehicle as the basis for instant response. The user benefits include:>Town/city names can also be entered differ-ently from the official names if you use a form that is customar y in other countries.1.{House number}2.Say the house number.3.{Yes} to confirm the house number.4.{Accept destination}{Start guidance}{Add as another destination }
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