MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全269ページ 8.83MB]
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Office COMMUNICATIONS 185Reading text messages aloudReading text messages aloud, refer to page 187.E-mailDisplaying e-mail1."Office"2."Messages"3. Select the desired message.Displaying e-mail contactsIf the sender and receiver of an e-mail were transmitted from a mobile phone, they will be displayed in the e-mail."Sender/Recipient"If the e-mail address is stored in the contacts, then the contact is displayed. Select contact to display details.If the e-mail address is not stored in the con-tacts, then it may be that only the e-mail address is displayed.Using contact dataContact data from deadlines, tasks, text mes-sages, e-mails and notes can be stored or selected, see page 187.Deactivating entire displayWhen opening an e-mail when in the vehicle, it is completely transferred to the vehicle. This may result in charges.1."Office"2."Messages"3.Open "Options".4."Fully download e-mails"Only a part of an e-mail from a mobile phone is loaded into the vehicle.Reading e-mailReading e-mail, see page 187.CalendarDisplaying calendarAppointments from the last 20 days and the next 50 days can be displayed.1."Office"2."Calendar"Appointments of the current day are dis-played.Selecting calendar day1.Select date.2.Select desired day or date.>"Next day">"Date:">"Previous day">"Today"Displaying appointment1.Select the desired appointment.2.To scroll through appointment, if necessary:>Turn the MINI joystick.>Select the symbol.Using contact dataContact data from deadli nes, tasks, text mes-sages, e-mails and notes can be stored or selected, see page 187.Reading an appointment aloudReading an appointment aloud, refer to page187.
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