Torque, refer to Enginedata 266 Towing another vehicle 256 Towing, being towed 256 Town/city, navigation 138 Tow-starting 256 TPM, refer to Tire PressureMonitor 95 Traction control 102 Traffic bulletins, naviga‐tion 151 Transmission– Overriding selector leverlock in case of automatictransmission with Step‐tronic 72Transmission lock– Refer to Changing selectorlever positions 71Transmission, manual 70 Transporting childrensafely 59 Treble, tone 158 Trip-distance counter, refer toTrip odometer 74 Triple turn signal activa‐tion 67 Trip odometer 74 Trips, planning 145 Trunk– Opening from the inside 36Trunk lid– Emergency activation, referto Unlocking manually 36Trunk lid, refer to Tailgate 35 Trunk, refer to Cargo area 35 Turning lamps, refer to Adap‐tive Light Control 87 Turn signal– Indicator lamp 14Turn signal, bulb replace‐ment 246 Turn signals 67 Turn signals, triple turn signalactivation 67 UUniform Tire Quality Grading/UTQG 228 Units– Average fuel consump‐tion 78– Temperature 78Units of measure, changing onControl Display 78 Unlocking– From the inside 35– From the outside 32– Tailgate 38– Without remote control, re‐fer to Comfort Access 37Update, software 178 Upholstery care 261 Upholstery material care 261 VVehicle– Identification num‐ber 182 , 192Vehicle battery 252 Vehicle, breaking in 124 Vehicle care 260 Vehicle care, refer toCare 259 Vehicle equipment 6 Vehicle paintwork, care 261 Vehicle storage 263 Vehicle, switching off 66 Vehicle wash 259 Ventilation– Air conditioning 113Version of the navigationdata 136 Video playback, iPhone 174 Video playback, snap-inadapter 174 Voice activation– Navigation 144Voice activation, short com‐mands 274 Voice activation system 24 Volume, setting 158 WWarning and indicatorlamps 15 Warning messages, refer toCheck Control 82 Warning signal volumes 158 Warning triangle 254 Washer/wiper system 67 Washer/wiper system, rainsensor 68 Washer/wiper system, washerfluid 69 Washer fluid 69 Washer fluid reservoir 69 Washing, vehicle 259 Welcome lamps 86 Wheel change 249 Wheels and tires 222 Wheels, changing 231 Wheels, Flat Tire MonitorFTM 93 Wind baffle, refer to Wind de‐flector 46, 52 Wind deflector 46, 52 Windows– Closing 41– Convenient operation 32– Opening 41Windows, care 260 Windows, defrosting and de‐fogging 109 Windshield– Defrosting and defog‐ging 109Windshield, defrosting, referto Defrosting windows 109 Windshield wash 67 Windshield washer fluid 69 Windshield wash, reservoir forwasher fluid 69 Windshield wash, washerfluid 69 Windshield wiper blades,changing 243 Seite 289Everything from A to ZReference289Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 919 017 - II/13