Z4の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全132ページ 3.14MB]
gizport - 2013-09-06 - 3.14MB
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132page / 3.14MB
Maintenance96MaintenanceBMW Maintenance SystemThe BMW Maintenance System helps maintain the road safety and operating reliability of your BMW.Regular maintenance is not only necessary for the safety of your vehicle, but also plays a sig-nificant role in maintaining the resale value of your vehicle.Service interval displayThe BMW Maintenance System takes the vehi-cle's operating conditions into account for the service intervals:From a maintenance point of view, 62,100 miles/100,000 km accumulated in short-distance urban driving are not the same as 62,100 miles/100,000 km accumulated at moderate cruising speeds in long-distance highway travel.The BMW Maintenance System includes the Engine Oil Service and Inspections I and II.Determining the maintenance intervals based on the actual loads on the vehicle covers every kind of operating situation. Minimal use drivers, who drive fewer than about 6,210 miles/10,000 km per year, should nevertheless have the oil changed at least every 2 years since engine oil deteriorates over time, regardless of use.Service and Warranty Information Booklet for US models and Warranty and Service Guide Booklet for Canadian modelsPlease consult your Service and Warranty Infor-mation Booklet for US models and Warranty and Service Guide Booklet for Canadian models for additional information on service require-ments.BMW recommends that you have service and repair operations performed at your BMW center.Take the time to ensure that these service pro-cedures are confirmed by entries in your vehi-cle's Service and Warranty Information Booklet for US models and Warranty and Service Guide Booklet for Canadian models. These entries verify that your vehicle has received the speci-fied regular maintenance. <Socket for On-Board Diagnosis OBDVehicle components that are relevant to the composition of exhaust emissions can be checked with a device via the OBD socket.This socket is located on the driver's side to the left, on the bottom of the instrument panel underneath a cover.
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