
TRV-35SEの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全8ページ 3.25MB]

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IV CONNECTION• Sel ect th e suitable output im pedance for your sp eaker and connect the amplifier to the spea ker with spe cializ ed soun d cable, do n't con fuse L wi th R . • Conn ect th e am pli fier to you r sound sour ce, don 't conf use L with R. Sel ect th e suita ble input mode for th e so und so urce . • Then con nect the power cord. At first insert the cord plu g into the power sock et, and next, insert th e other end of the cord into an electric al outlet. V OPERATIONNote : Be sure to set the volume to the lowes t positio n befo re tu rning on the amplifier.When you're sure the connections are righ t, turn it on by pressing th e power button, then th e indicatio n lamp will ligh t up, ind icat ing th e amplifier is worki ng. Af ter preheatin g for sev eral minut es, the amplifier will work normally. Then you can incre ase the volum e to th e level yo u want and enj oy the music. Note : To pr event damage to circuit, never short-circuit Positive (+) and Neg ativ e (-) spe aker te rminals. Be sur e to set the "VOL UME" co ntrol to th e lowest posi tion befo re turningo n or discon nectin g th e spe akers while the unit is on. VI WAR NING • Be car eful when c arrying in or der t o avoi d dama ging. • To red uce the risk of electric shock, don't rem ove the cover. • Don't att empt to repair the product by yourself. • No user serviceable parts inside . Refer se rvicing to qualified se rvice pe rso nal. • Keep liqui d away from th e am plifier. If you spill liq uid int o th e unit, pull out • the po wer plug at once and co nsult yo ur dealer. VII WARRANTY• This prod uct is warr anted for a perio d of twelv e mo nths begin ning fro m the Dat e of purch ase. • To obtai n warranty service, the warr anty car d bearin g your de aler's info or signat ure must be returne d to your dealer or ou r compa ny within ten days from the date of purc hase . • Th e de fec tive prod uct must be ret urned to your dea ler or our compan y for repairing when yo ur deal er or our comp any acc epts your requirement. • The warr anty do esn't exte nd to any pro duct that has been opened by you without permissio n of our company. Tri(R)TRV 35SE5



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    IX PRODUCT VIEWX DISTRIBUTORTri(R)TRV 35SE7PERSPECTIVEBACKINTERNAL WIRINGTWIN AUDIO VIDEO INC. P.O. BOX 681 Loma Linda, CA 92354Mobile : (951) 347-2732 Phone : (909) 954-2175 Fax : (909) 954-2176 E-mail :