TRV-35SEの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全8ページ 3.25MB]
gizport - 2013-08-31 - 3.25MB
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VIII TROUB LESH OOTING Basic tro ubles hooti ng of an amplifier is similar to the trou bleshooting of any other lectrical or electro nic equipment. Always check the most obvious possible causes first. To give you a few ideas of wh at to look for, check the fol lowing. PR OBLEM CAUSE SOLUTIO N No power when POWER is press ed. - Po wer cords are not proper ly inserted to source - The fuse may be broke n or damag ed - Plug po wer cords to po wer source secu rely. - Rep lace th e fuses with new one of the same type. The locat ion of mus ic is not correct.- L an d R inputs or ou tp uts are may be inve rted, or the positive and negat ive speaker te rminals are inverted - Remove and reconnect cab les and term ina ls acco rdingly. No Sound - Volume contro l is set to mi nimum - Source Se lector sett ings are wrong- Speakers are not connected - Wrong input se lected - Turn up the vo lume - Check Sou rce Selector - Check Speaker Cab les - Check In put Selection The no ise is over loud - Soun d cables are no t proper ly shielded - Th e sign al cable, pow er supp ly cord and the video frequency cable are placed too close or get tang led up - Components or circ uits are in troub le - Replace the sign al cables with a goo d one - Put the connect ions in good order. Keep th e sign al cable away from the others - Contact your dea ler Tri(R)TRV 35SE6