NF-01Aの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全8ページ 0.25MB]
gizport - 2013-10-03 - 0.25MB
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4NF-01A (Powered Near Field Studio Monitor)Main features of NF-01A* Ultra lossless design offers a natural crossoverbetween the woofer and tweeter.A -6 dB/oct crossover network is used for the woofer,while a -12 dB/oct network is used for the tweeter.* The use of HP sound reflectors provides an idealinternal sound processing means for elimination ofnatural vibration developing within the speakerenclosures.* Power amplifiers capable of delivering 50W/50Woutput are provided for the bi-amplifier drivingsystem for the woofer and tweeter.* The low frequency filter switch and tweeter levelcontrol are provided, allowing frequency responsecompensation.* The amplifier system is capable of accepting balanced(XLR) or unbalanced (phone) input.* By employing an HP diaphragm and dome tweeter, awide listening area that no other monitor system canmatch is obtained.Names and functions1345678921. Power LEDLights when power is turned on.2. Heat sink<CAUTION>Avoid contact with the heat sink. Extended time of usewill result in a rise of temperature.3. Loudness controlAdjusts output power. Please refer to the descriptions given onthe next page for optimal use.4. Tweeter level controlAdjusts tweeter level within a +/- 3dB range. Please refer to thedescription given on the next page for optimal use.5. Low-frequency filter selectorAdjusts low frequency characteristics (around 55Hz range)within a +/- 2dB range. For detail, please refer to the next page.6. Unbalanced input terminal (Phone jack)Accepts -10dBV unbalanced input.7. Balanced input terminal (XLR-3-31 type)Accepts +4dBu balanced input (hot pin is #2). Simultaneousinput from this terminal and the unbalanced terminal is notpossible. Connection to the unbalanced terminal will defeatthe balanced terminal function.8. Power switchTurns power on. make very sure the volume controls ofconnected equipment are set to the null level.9. AC IN connectorAccepts the AC cord provided.* An HP diaphragm of a new type is used in the 13 cmwoofer. Sound quality to low distortion and hightransition, which no other diaphragms can offer, hasbecome a reality.* Anti - resonance is eliminated by the use of a UDRtangential edge and push-pull damper in the woofer.Also, substantial improvement is made in linearity, andthus, accurate response to the subtlest sound signalsis realized.* The tweeter employing a UFLC diaphragm (of soft dometype), being most compliant to and reproducible ofeven the subtlest signals, are of a wide range designup to 40kHz.* A highly rigid cast aluminum frame is used for bothwoofer and tweeter.This allows successful elimination of sound colorizationcaused by undesired natural vibration.