NF-01Aの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全8ページ 0.25MB]
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6NF-01A (Powered Near Field Studio Monitor)<Figure-2><Figure-1>Speaker units* HP diaphragm"HP", an abbreviation of a hyperbolic paraboloid normallycalled an "HP" shell or "hyper shell", is a 3-dimensional curvedsurface structure. This HP structure is characterizedprimarily by the fact that movement of a straight lineconnecting 2 line segments, which do not share a singleplane, forms a hyperboloid and paraboloid.HP diaphragm's configuration is determined by locatinginflection points at the top and bottom to form verticalsymmetry, so as to disperse stress with pentagonal divisionswhich are asymmetrical to the center of the diaphragm, asshown on Figure-1, as the basic option, and the height ofcurved surfaces is selected so that optimal frequencydispersion as dictated by FEM modal analysis results can berealized. The base diaphragm materials are NBPK andbanana fibers, with carbon fibers of a super high elasticitymodulus, PBO super-fiber and pearl mica used asreinforcement materials, Cellgaia pulp as super dampingfibers and bio-cellulose used as the matrices material.* UDR tangential edgeA new era has been opened by the UDR (Up/Down Roll)tangential edge structure which is created by joining up-roll and down-roll at their tangential surfaces.It is configured, through model analyses, to functionoptimally as diaphragm edges. Use of this edge is with thewoofer which plays a key part in the overall speaker systemperformance.* UFLC diaphragmA UFLC diaphragm, made of polyurethane plastics which isurethane film laminated over cloth, is used in the tweeter.The use of a UFLC diaphragm allows the highest fidelitysound reproduction which extends naturally to extremelyhigh frequencies, which had not been possible withconventional soft dome technology.* HP sound reflectorHP sound reflectors represent sound reflectors of the HPsystem arranged inside the enclosure, as depicted in Figure2. NF-01A has this type of reflectors and micron woolarranged optimally in enclosures to diffusely reflect thesound present in an enclosure, which creates conditionswhere no standing waves may develop, and finally, fornatural attenuation.Tangential edgeHP diaphragmHP sound reflectorPush-pull damper* Figures 1 and 2 above show the photographs of the ModelNF-1, which employs the same materials andconstruction as the Model NF-01A. Therefore, note thatthe shapes of the speaker units and sound reflector shownabove are not exactly the same as those for the NF-01A.Setting of the system is ideal when the mid-points ofthe woofer and tweeter meet the listener's ear level toallow full enjoyment of the NF-01A's ability.* Optimal listening points and settingCenter of the wooferCenter of the tweeterMid-point of the woofer and tweeterListener15 to 30 degreesinward15 to 30 degreesinwardThen, mutually orient them 15 to 30 degrees inwardto form a triangle as shown in Figure, with the openvertex of the triangle falling at the planned listeningposition. The listening position thus determinedrepresents the point where the design intent can beenjoyed to the fullest extent.