W2253V-PFの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全28ページ 5.44MB]
gizport - 2013-09-04 - 5.44MB
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28page / 5.44MB
A13On Screen Display(OSD) Selection and Adjustment Main menu Sub menu DescriptionBRIGHTNESSCONTRAST GAMMABLACK LEVELTo adjust the brightness of the screen. To adjust the contrast of the screen.Set your own gamma value. : -50/0/50On the monitor, high gamma valuesdisplay whitish images and low gammavalues display high contrast images.You can set the offset level. If you select'HIGH', the screen will be bright and if youselect 'LOW', the screen will be dark. (only for HDMI input)* Offset?As the criteria for video signal, it is thedarkest screen the monitor can show.PICTUREPRESETREDGREENBLUE* sRGB: Set the screen color to fit theSRGB standard colorspecification.* 6500K: Slightly reddish white.* 9300K: Slightly bluish white.Set your own red color levels.Set your own green color levels.Set your own blue color levels.COLORPICTURECOLORMENU: Exit: DecreaseSET: Select another sub-menuMENU: Exit: DecreaseSET: Select another sub-menuDSUB/DVI inputHDMI input