W2453V-PFの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全26ページ 4.46MB]
gizport - 2013-09-04 - 4.46MB
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26page / 4.46MB
A17On Screen Display(OSD) Selection and Adjustment Main menu Sub menu DescriptionVOLUMETo adjust the volume of headphone/Earphone.(Only for HDMI input)SETPHOTO EFFECT*NORMAL :The PhotoEffect function is disabled.*GAUSSIAN BLUR :This option is to add the effect to the screen thatthe dark and sharp image becomes brighter andmore blurred.*SEPIA :This option changes the screen to be Sepia tone.The Sepia tone is brown color tone.*MONOCHROME :This option changed the screen to be Gray tone.The screen image is displayed with just white,black, gray colors.To select the color of the screen.MONOCHROMENORMALGAUSSIAN BLURSEPIA*Photo Effect feature may not work in HDMI Input.(Photo effect operate at DSUB format)