W2486L-PFの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全33ページ 2.33MB]
gizport - 2013-09-04 - 2.33MB
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33page / 2.33MB
24On Screen Display(OSD) Selection and Adjustment Press the , buttons to reset immediately.SETUPMENU: Exit: Adjust: AdjustSET : Select another sub-menuMain menu Sub menu DescriptionTo choose the language in which the controlnames are displayed.To adjust position of the OSD window on thescreen.LANGUAGEOSDPOSITIONWHITEBALANCEIf the output of the video card is different therequired specifications, the color level maydeteriorate due to video signal distortion. Usingthis function, the signal level is adjusted to fit intothe standard output level of the video card inorder to provide the optimal image.Activate this function when white and black colorsare present in the screen. (Only for D-SUB input) Restore all factory default settings except"LANGUAGE." FACTORYRESETPOWERINDICATORUse this function to set the power indicator on thefront side of the monitor to ONor OFF.If you set OFF, it will go off. If you set ONat any time, the power indicator willautomatically be turned on.NOTE If this does not improve the screen image, restore the factory default settings. If necessary, execute the white balance function again. This function will be enabled only when the input is a D-SUB input. R T CIf you set ON, you enable the Response TimeControl function and reduce the afterimage of thescreen.If you set OFF, you disenable the ResponseTime Control function and operate at panelresponse time. (Only W2286L)D-SUB inputHDMI inputOVERSCANIt is the function to filter out the noise which maybe generated around the edge of the image whenconnecting the HDMI and the external device.When it is set to ON, the original image isenlarged with no noise.When it is set to OFF, the original size is displayedas it is regardless the noise. (Only for HDMI input)