RL2450Hの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全48ページ 7.96MB]
http://www.benq.jp/.../rl2450h-ja.pdf - 7.96MB
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48page / 7.96MB
3保守本製品の保守をご自身で行わないでください。カバーを開けたり取り外したりすると、高電圧部分やその他の危険な部分に触れるおそれがあります。上記の誤用、または落下や取り扱いミスなどその他の事故については、認定サービス担当者に連絡を取り、保守を依頼してください。BenQ ecoFACTSBenQ has been dedicated to the design and development of greener product as part of its aspiration to realize the ideal of the "Bringing Enjoyment 'N Quality to Life" corporate vision with the ultimate goal to achieve a low-carbon so ciety. Besides meeting international regulatory requirement and standards pertaining to environmental management, BenQ has spared no efforts in pushing our initiatives further to incorporate life cycle design in the aspects of material selection, manufacturing, packaging, tran sportation, using and disposal of the products. BenQ ecoFACTS label lists key eco-friendly design highlights of each product, hoping to ensure that consumers make informed green choices at purchase. Check out BenQ's CSR Website at http://csr.BenQ.com/ for more details on BenQ's environmental commitments and achievements.