Leica M7の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全134ページ 1.37MB]
gizport - 2013-09-01
http://jp.leica-camera.com/.../download.php?filename=file_2163.pdf - 1.37MB
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134page / 1.37MB
108Flash photographyIn addition to the photocell for ambient light, theLEICA M7 is equipped with a second photocell forflash (arrow). This silicon photocell, located on theright below the shutter, enables the camera tomeasure the light emitted by the flash through thelens, at the working aperture. The Through TheLens flash metering system on the LEICA M7 iscenter-weighted.The LEICA M7 can meter and automatically con-trol the flash with• the LEICA SF24D system flash unit specially developed for the LEICA M6TTL/M7 and LEICA R8/R9) (Order nos.14444, silver or14448, black) or• Flash units that meet the technical require-ments of System-Camera-Adaption (SCA) forthe 3000 system and have the SCA-3502/3501adapter.If the flash unit used has the appropriate func-tions1, the LEICA M7 also allows other, more inter-esting compositional flash techniques to be used,such as synchronisation of the flash to the 2ndshutter curtain rather than the 1st as is normal,use of the flash with faster shutter speeds thanthe synchronising speed of 1/50s and strobeflash (for more details see the appropriate sec-tions below).1 For flash operation on the 2nd shutter curtain and highspeed synchronised flash, the SCA 3502 adapter is re-quired. Strobe flash, on the other hand, is possible withthe SCA 3501.2313