Leica M7の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全134ページ 1.37MB]
gizport - 2013-09-01
http://jp.leica-camera.com/.../download.php?filename=file_2163.pdf - 1.37MB
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134page / 1.37MB
72At room temperature and measurements of 10sper exposure, a new set of batteries should lastfor approximately 65 36-exposure films, or 2340exposures.Automatic battery checkIf the decimal display LEDs or the light balanceflash when exposure metering is activated, thebatteries should be replaced. If the batteries donot have sufficient power for the electronicallycontrolled functions of the camera (exposure me-tering and the electronic shutter speeds), "b c”lights up or the displays disappear altogether.In these cases, you can continue to use the camera with the two mechanical shutter speedsof 1/60s and 1/125s available and exposure metering based on estimation or using an externalhand exposure meter.Note: The electrical circuit can be broken by oxidation of the battery surfaces; this will alsocause the LEDs to go out. In this case, remove thebatteries and clean them with a clean cloth. If necessary, also clean the contacts inside the cam-era.Important!• New and used batteries, or batteries of dif-ferent types or from different manufacturers,should not be used together.• The battery contacts must be kept clean.• Batteries should not be incinerated, recharged,opened, dismantled or heated.• Used batteries should be removed as soon aspossible and should not be disposed of in normal waste, as they contain substancesharmful to the environment.• To ensure that they are properly recycled, youshould take the batteries to a dealer or recyc-ling point.• Batteries should be stored in a cool dry place.