Leica M7の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全134ページ 1.37MB]
gizport - 2013-09-01
http://jp.leica-camera.com/.../download.php?filename=file_2163.pdf - 1.37MB
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134page / 1.37MB
75By contrast, the shutter speeds of 1/60s and1/125s, which can be selected in manual modeand are additionally identified by a white line en-graved next to the values, are created mechani-cally and are therefore always available, i.e. evenwith no power supply.Note: The click-stops for the electronic and me-chanical shutter speeds differ distinctively whenengaging, i.e. between the " " and 1/60s or1/125s and 1/2150s positions. This is deter-mined by mechanical adjustment of a lever and istherefore normal.The LEICA M7 shutter speed dial does not have astop, i.e. it can be turned in any direction from anyposition. It engages at all engraved positions; thiscan be felt particularly at the " AUTO ” position.This ensures that the settings can easily be de-tected even without a visual check, e.g. with theeye to the viewfinder, and prevents accidental ad-justment. Intermediate speeds cannot be used.Due to the changeover between electronic andmechanical control or vice versa, the distancesbetween the " " position (1/50s) and 1/60s or1/125s and 1/250s are slightly greater than those between all other settings.For more details on setting the correct exposure,see the sections under "Exposure metering” onpage 96.The quick-wind leverThe quick-wind lever (10) is used to advance thefilm, to cock the shutter and to automatically advance the frame counter. The film can be trans-ported either by moving the lever as far as it willgo or by several short strokes. For rapid sequen-ces, you can put the lever into a "ready position”or leave it in that position.