Leica M7の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全134ページ 1.37MB]
gizport - 2013-09-01
http://jp.leica-camera.com/.../download.php?filename=file_2163.pdf - 1.37MB
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134page / 1.37MB
106General information on exposure meteringMost scenes contain an even distribution of brightand dark subject details and reflect an average of18% of the light falling on them. This value of 18%corresponds to an average grey tone to which exposure meters are calibrated. Very bright sub-jects, such as snow-laden winter scenes, sandybeaches, whitewashed walls or a white weddinggown, reflect more light toward the exposure meter, tending to result in underexposure.Predominantly dark subjects such as a blacksteam locomotive, dark grey slate roofs, and navy-blue uniforms reflect much less light, andmeters tend to overexpose.This is the case unless a corresponding exposurecompensation has been set in advance or the ex-posure has been measured selectively using asection of the subject containing a representativedistribution of light and dark details (for more information see the section " Setting an exposurecompensation ” on page 82).You would for example meter on the bride’s faceand not on her white gown. A landscape shot witha wide-angle lens should be metered with the LEICA M7 pointing downward to exclude thebright sky. Metering memory-lock allows thistechnique to be used conveniently even whenusing the aperture priority mode (for more detailssee the section "The aperture priority automaticexposure mode" on page 97).If there is no suitable section of the subject formetering when setting the exposure manually, acompensation factor must be used, i.e. the expo-sure time is extended by 2 to 4x or the aperturecan be opened by one or two f-stops.White snow under a clear sky with bright sunlightoften calls for an exposure increase of 4x, i.e. instead of the specified shutter speed of 1/1000sand f/8, use 1/250s and f/8 or 1/1000s andf/4. When photographing less bright subjectssuch as a sandy beach, a compensation factor of 2 is sufficient.The reverse is the case for dark subjects.